DTheme version 0.1.1 - Rantam Changelog
Rantam is the first update after the initial release of the theme and it brings some nice (I think) improvements:
- Fix: incorrect canonical to paginated pages
- Fix: incorrect meta title and meta description for the blog page
- Fix: removed some hardcoded values
- Fix: small anomalies and mispelling on about page
- New: added schema "knowsabout" tag
- New: added a side panel with some widgets (author, categories)
- New: added somo colours to the category labels
The side panel is a good move for improving internal linking and reducing link depth. It also helps to navigate easier across categories.
I think that giving a name to a software version is funny, so I decided to start doing it by now, with Rantam. Thank you for reading and let me know if you find any issues.